Tratados Un Regalo de Navidad Ideal, Paq. de 25 (A Christmas Gift That's Perfect - (25 Pack))
Después de años de recibir regalos que se acaban o no sirven, ¿alguna vez ha esperado por el regalo de Navidad perfecto? Este tratado explica cómo Jesús ofrece el regalo perfecto.
After years of receiving gifts that wear out or don't fit, have you ever hoped for the perfect Christmas gift? This tract explains how Jesus offers the perfect gift.
- ¡Son claros!
- Ilustraciones
- Presentación de alta calidad
- ¡Son simples!
After years of receiving gifts that wear out or don't fit, have you ever hoped for the perfect Christmas gift? This tract explains how Jesus offers the perfect gift.
- They're clear!
- Illustrations
- High-quality presentation
- They're simple!